
During the winter months Writer’s Lodge hosts residential courses on publishing and creative writing in association with YouCaxton Publications. Bob Fowke of Writer’s Lodge is also a managing partner in YouCaxton Publications and is on hand to help with writers’ queries.

YouCaxton is one of Britain’s best-established publishing-services and self-publishing companies. We began life in the late 1980s in Nottingham as a publishing and book-design company and have been creating high-quality books for over thirty years. Authors wishing to self-publish receive expert help and can make full use of all or some of the services necessary to bring a book to publication.

These services include editing, book design and layout, book-cover design, print management, and publication and online availability with ISBN, also eBook formatting and publication. YouCaxton also give advice on marketing and book concepts.

For further information on YouCaxton or to submit a manuscript, email:

Other companies associated with YouCaxton and Writer’s Lodge include:
The Art Circus, a platform for professional artists.
UKGiclee, a printing service for giclée printing of prints and posters, and artists’ books.